The Full Story
Farmington Green
Farmington Green is a private, equine prospect training facility. We uncover Saddlebred Horses and Hackney Ponies that house potential and surface it for the world to see. Once they are top quality and ready for the show ring, we find them new homes for people who desire their next show companion.
The mission of Farmington Green is to produce and nurture top quality equine athletes in the Saddlebred and Hackney world. This is accomplished by discovering and embracing an equine's natural talents and amplifying them for the show ring. Here at Farmington Green we specialize in finding that synergy between horse and rider, with the ultimate goal of success in the challenging Saddlebred and Hackney industry.

The vision of Farmington Green is to continue to produce these top rating athletes and become a renowned training facility. The only animals that enter and leave the barn are quality ones. We have goals to satisfy every new owner so that they can say their horse or pony came from Farmington Green, continue to work hard to build a program that focuses on success in the show ring while still ensuring that each horse is treated with respect and kindness.

Erik Lee
Erik Lee is the owner of several horse related businesses including the Jerald Sulky Company, The Scoop Feed & Supply, and Farmington Green. He has been a United States Equestrian Federation Professional for over 25 years and holds judging licenses in Saddlebreds, Hackneys, Roadsters, and Saddle Seat Equitation. He also holds a degree in Quantitative Methods and Computer Science from the University of St. Thomas. Erik’s professional and personal life is horse centric: the Jerald Sulky Company is the last commercial manufacturer of performance horse drawn vehicles, from which show carts are shipped all over the world; The Scoop Feed & Supply is a multi-brand feed store with a strong equine service practice; and Farmington Green is Erik’s horse training business where he develops, trains, and markets horses & ponies from his farm in Waverly. Erik typically has 20-30 horses in his care and is actively developing about half of them at any time. In addition to judging horse shows Erik gives clinics on horse driving and reinsmanship. Erik currently resides in Waverly with his wife Shelli (who purposefully knows almost nothing about horses) and has been a member of the Cedar Valley community for about 10 years.